Friday, August 19, 2005

I got a call from the Lay Leader from St. James today. It was a very interesting conversation. He's a good guy and I respect him a lot. It was a very nice conversation. I still don't think we'll be back there, but I've left the door slightly open. He didn't call to try to convince us to come back, just wanted to find out more about why we left and let me know that we are missed. It was nice to hear, because we were beginning to wonder. He also gave me a little insight into the current climate arround the church.

Jacob, my 8 year old, is blazing through the Harry Potter books. He started "Goblet of Fire" Tuesday and is already over half-way through it. He amazes me with his reading. I didn't read an actual book until I was in Junior High. He's read all of the Lemony Snicket books, 3 and a half Harry Potters, three of the Chronicles of Narnia, thirty-something "Magic Treehouse" books, etc., etc. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the "Star Wars ep.3" novellization (the kids' and regular editions). He is a reading maniac.

Abby is VERY anxious to start "school." She'll go 5 days a week this year unitl 1:00 everyday. But they don't start until after Labor Day. She's been jealous of Jacob since he started back.

Misty has settled into her job. Now she is getting ready to start school in the next couple of weeks. It may be a little rough at first, getting all of the schedules worked out (hers, mine, and the kids), but it'll be fine by October.

We will continue our "church shopping" this week. Northwood UMC, here we come! I found out there are plans to (most likely) start a "contemporary church" in the Florence District next year. That is exciting! I've always wanted to get in on the ground floor of a church start-up.

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