Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Group asks Burger King to halt 'Star Wars' deal

I saw this on a message board earlier. How ridiculous!

Why the Hell do groups like this feel like they have to help me parent my kids?!? I took my 8 year-old to see the movie. I saw it alone first, felt it was not inappropriate and took him. I won't take my 4 year-old. Will I take her to BK for a Star Wars toy? Yes! She loves Star Wars. Will it make her want to see the movie? Maybe, but I still won't take her because I know it's too violent for a 4 year-old.

I guess they have to justify their existance (and their non-profit salaries) somehow. Getting their group in the national press means more of my Christian bretheren will send donations to their cause. *sigh*

I love Jesus, but I'm also smart enough to decide what's good and bad for myself and my family.

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