Tuesday, April 5, 2005

I need my scanner back!

I found some great pictures the other day. I wish Best Buy would hurry and get our computer fixed so I can scan them. Old pictures are fun.

Speaking of old... I got to eat lunch with one of my favorite people in the world last week. (And I can't believe I haven't mentioned it yet.) It's always great to see you, Heath. By the way, what was the name of the band you told me you love so much?

Is anyone planning to go to the 20+ Weekend at Sumatanga? I'd like to, but I'm not sure I can make it.

I'm playing guitar in the "Temporary" Service (to quote my grandmother) at St. James. If you're ever in Florence on a Sunday at 9 AM you should come hear the band. We're really not bad (despite my being there!) I'm having a blast doing it. I actually play a lot better than I ever would have believed.

Last weekend Jacob got a skateboard. He's determined he wants to learn to skate. I'm glad my brother-in-law skated more recently than I did. I'd hate to have to teach Jacob. No breaks or skins so far!

Abby got a bike at the same time. She's not been so lucky. She had her first wreck (complete with skinned knee) within 15 minutes of her first ride.

Glen Phillips is a week from tomorrow! I'm excited. I wonder if he will still be as accessible as in the past. Last time I saw him I was watching the opening act, looked up, and there was Glen standing beside me. I talk ed to him a little, then again after the show. I was pretty much a stammering, giddy school girl idiot. But I still got to talk to him. :)

This was going to be short... oh well.

Time for bed. Tomorrow it's off to Pulaski on a "sales trip." Funfun!

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