Thursday, March 10, 2005

Ups and Downs

Well, Misty has bronchitis. She had a terrible fever last night. She was shaking then sweating then shivering again. I felt terrible for her. I can't stand seeing people I love when they are sick. I just can't handle it. I've only seen my Dad really sick once. That was when he had a heart cath and angioplasty. I couldn't stand being there. After my Mom's hysterectomy, I had to leave when the brought her out of recovery. I hate feeling and being helpless.

On an up-note. One week from today is our 10th Anniversary! I can't believe we've been married for 10 years. It has gone by very quickly. We're going to take a little weekend trip to commemorate the event. I think we're going to Gatlinburg. I haven't been in over a year, so it's time to go back.

If you haven't tried Rosemary & Olive Oil Triscuits, you should go get some now! If you don't like them you can send the rest to me.

I'm getting close to my self-imposed 200 word limit. So, adios!

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