Friday, March 18, 2005


We got engaged, we got married. (March 18, 1995) We start thinking about having kids. We're thinking we'll graduate from AU, get jobs, then a few years later we'll have kids. But the more we think about it, the more we're ready to have kids. Misty decides she can go to school while pregnant without any problem. So, it's time to start trying.

Shortly after our 1st Anniversary (April 1996) Misty is late! She knows she's pregnant, she can feel it. She takes a pregnancy testand we wait the requisite 5-10 minutes (or whatever it was)...
No 2nd line. We were crushed.

About 30 minutes later, after much crying and consoling, I looked at the test again. I saw the faintest line imaginable. I thought I was imagining it. Misty didn't see it and sisn't believe me.

A couple of days later we were sitting watching TV and about to go somewhere. When we were ready to leave I went over and grabbed Misty's hands and helped pull her up from the chair into a hug. She immediately went completely dead-weight and limp in my arms. I thought she was being funny, until I looked at her eyes. They were rolled back in her head. I laid her down (because I'm dumb) and she started making a choking sound. At this point I was screaming her name at teh top of my lungs.

Finally, as I screamed her name one last time, her eyes came to life and she said "What?!? Quit screaming at me!" After teh shock and fear wore off, I told her, "You're pregnant." She still didn't believe me. So she did another test. There has never been a line more pink than the line on that pregnanacy test. It was bolder that the "test" line. We were having a baby. 9 Months and 14 hours of labor later we had our first child!

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