Thursday, February 17, 2005

My dog made me do it

I wasn't going to run tonight, but my dog made me. I'm glad I did, but I'm as tired as poop. (Trust me, poop is tired. You'd be tired too after making that little journey .)

I didn't realize how much I missed Caedmon's Call. I really need to get Derek Webb's last CD.

I've given in to peer pressure and drank the Firefox Kool-Aid. So far, I like.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but this next paragraph has piss off potential. (Just a warning.) I don't like Decatur. There are people living there that I know and like. It's always seemed dirty and industrial. I've never really liked the town, but after today I like it even less. Who'd have thought giving directions to a copy shop could be so difficult. I saw parts of Decatur I never cared to see. I still like Montgomery even less than Decatur, though. So I'm glad I ended up not going there again today.

After reading a few of my old updates, I've notived that I'm not a very good story teller. I don't write well. I'm much funnier in person. From now on you should just call me and let me tell you my updates.

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