Sunday, October 3, 2004

Today sucks

I'm glad it's almost over. I just wish Abby would go to sleep so I can go to sleep. My head feels like Mt. St. Helens right now. It could explode any minute. I HATE sinus problems! I've felt "almost" sick all day. Mostly I've just had a terrible sinus head-ache. It hurts behind my front teeth. Church wasn't terrible today, but it's about the only thing that wasn't. I did forget that the staff was serving Community Kitchen though. I was supposed to stay and help, but left early. Two people were left to serve lunch to 20-30 people.

Aside: Community Kitchen is one of the greatest ministries I've ever been a part of. Our church serves lunch every Sunday to whomever wants to come, for free. We usually serve 15-30 down-on-their-luck men, women, and families. It is such a great thing to help with. The youth are serving in a couple of weeks.

OK, back to today. We had an open house today (we're trying to sell our house ourselves). Guess how many people came? ZERO!!! No one! Zip! Zilch! Nada! I spent yesterday spreading mulch and helping clean and Misty spent all morning scrubbing the house for nothing! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I took some NyQuil liqui-caps earlier. I wish they'd kick in so this day would be over. I think I'll go watch the end of yesterday's AU game. Maybe that will cheer me up.

Godd night, sweet prince.

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