Sunday, September 19, 2004

R.I.P. Capri Four

I had to make a quick addition. Upon checking the Times Daily web-site I learned that the Capri Four theater in Florence is closing today. This isn't necessarily a sad thing, because the place SUCKED(!!!) bad. But it makes me very nostalgic. That is the first theater where I remember seeing Star Wars. It was during the 1980 re-release. It was the Capri Twin then. I also remember seeing Return of the Jedi there. That was (according to the story) the first thing shown when it re-opened as the Capri Four.

Speaking of Star Wars, the DVD set comes out Tuesday! Looks like a trip to Best Buy is in order! WooHoo!!!!

Speaking of Best Buy, I'll have to explain theOld Navy/Best Buy curse someday soon. Maybe I'll remember to do that tomorrow. Off to bed now!

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