Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I'm bad, I'm bad


I should be running right now, but I'm bad. Ah, I feel guilty for not running tonight. OK, I think I'm over it.

Why am I looking forward to the debate tomorrow so much? I really despise election season. I am so tired of hearing about Swift Boats, the Texas Air National Guard, et. al. I hate Campaign ads. They are so... well, they treat people like they are stupid! Both sides. I am very ready for a new viable third (or fourth or fifth) party. This two party system we have now completely does away with the checks and balances that are supposed to be in place in our government. One agenda or the other, or sometimes neither, gets pushed on the country. That being said, I will definitely vote come November 2nd. I know my candidate and I'll be there to lend my support.

I really miss being in Alabama. (I know, I've said that before.) I miss camp. I haven't been to Sumatanga in almost 2 years. I think the last time I was there was the Junior High weekend in the fall of 2002. *sigh* I hope I'll be able to get involved again when we're in Florence. I've kind of lost touch with camp, though. Most of the people I knew then are graduated and gone. I guess there are still a few familiar adults around though. We'll see how it goes.

Church is getting harder and harder. Each Wednesday and Sunday just re-affirm that I'm doing the right thing by getting out now. If I were to stick around longer the Ministry would suffer greatly. I'm trying hard to not check out mentally, but it's tough. Especially when it seems that so many of the kids have checked out already. Even the "reliable" ones aren't around very often now. I'm tired of dealing with the fickleness that is Youth Ministry!

I'm going shopping for an electric guitar, now. I'm getting one soon. I've just got to figure out what I want. I like both of these:
What do you think?

I still feel guilty. Time to sleep.

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