Thursday, August 26, 2004

One more dollar...

Today sucks! That's all that can be said for it. It is a crappy day. Even listening to Les Mis is not helping. Tonight I will tell Betsy about our decision. Then She, Misty, David, and I are going to meet a little while after that to talk about what's next. I'm not looking forward to it at all! It won't be a fun evening. I have no idea what to expect from Betsy, and I guess that's why I'm dreading it so much.

Then Sunday is the day to let everyone else know. That will suck even more. I have no idea what I am going to say. I have no idea what the reaction will be. I know this is the right decision, but I also know that the next 3 months are going to royally suck!

I'm ready to tell everyone, though. I'm tired of hiding it. I feel so dishonest. Every time someone talks about something happening after January, I feel like I'm lying to them by not telling the truth. But, even though I want it to be out, I really don't want to hang around for 3 months after the announcement again. I did that last time and it's hard. I feel like I'm already getting disconnected, and it will only get worse.

That's really the only reason today sucks...except that I'm tired. I can't sleep. Too much thought.

I went to eat lunch with Jacob today. That is always a treat. I think maybe I'l do that every week. Well, I can't really do that. Time to continue the rehabilitation of my computer.


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