Monday, April 25, 2011

COTY Awards...finally

Finally I have the Commenter of the Year Awards ready. I had planned to have this done months ago. 'Twas not to be. I've been sort of busy.

I also planned on this particular post to be longer, but I got caught up reading posts from last year. I looked through the comments last week and made my list of award winners. Today I wanted to find the "Frequent Commenter" award, instead I read about my dog dying (I can't believe it's been almost a year) and my grandmother dying. And a few other things. I didn't realize just how crappy last years was. Now I've depressed myself.

I came up with a couple of new categories this year. I think they were warranted. OK, here are this year's COTY Award winners.

Best Bribe/Baked Goods - Awarded for the commenter who offered (and delivered) the best bribe - Laura Senecal. She gave me a coconut cake that was...well, huge does not describe it accurately.And here's a picture of the cake.

Frequent Commenter Award - For...well frequent comments - Nancy Bagwell. Honestly, I didn't count. I just saw her name a whole bunch of times on last year's posts.

Code Breaker Award - For posting comments that require the use of my Little Orphan Annie Decoder Ring - Jerry Miley. He has mastered the art of comment short-hand.

I Use Big Words Award - For...I think it's self-explanatory - Eric Bagwell. I based this on a specific post, but I could not find it today. you'll have to trust me.

Comment of the Year - For the comment I view as the best of the year - Anonymous. Don't worry. I know who you are. Here's the winning comment:
Anonymous said...

I notice no comments, so here's one. I'm always proud of my friend Scott. Thanks for coming out.

There you have it. Your 2010 COTY Award winners. You will all have certificates in your email box soon. Congratulations to the winners!


  1. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Two years in a row ya'll!! I feel good. Thanks for making my day a happy one!

  2. Scot, thx - i b hnrd!

  3. And again I say I thank you.

  4. And I just want to thank you one more time.

  5. Indubitably, this commendation will damage my immense humility. The felicity of polysyllabic linguistics truly delight me. I am most gratified.

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