Thursday, April 28, 2011

Classing Up the Joint

It's my last day of classes for this semester. Um... I think that's all I have to say about that.

We're talking about 'Apocalypticism in a Modern Context' in Faith & Hope today. Very interesting conversation so far. It's got me thinking, I wonder how this fits with the devastating weather that passed through (passed through is not a strong enough verb, I know) Alabama yesterday...

Not that I think it was 'apocalyptic.' But I guarantee you that there will be those preaching just that this Sunday. There will be those preaching that this is a sign of the end. And so on and so forth. (Which is not apocalypticism at all. True apocalypticism talks about 'the present age' and 'the age to come.' In that case, it was apocalyptic for at least 128 people. They passed on from the present age to the age to come.) Then there will be those who get a little closer to traditional apocalypticism. They will see the tornadoes and the destruction and death they left behind as God's punishment on an unholy, unjust society. That form of thinking and preaching (these events as a sign of the end and as divine punishment) belittle the loss of 128 lives and belittle God.

What really happened yesterday was a tragic loss of life. Devastating weather events that robbed so many of so much (life, security, possessions, shelter, etc.) That is tragic. The way it will be interpreted, so as to lose the human element, is even more tragic. It is human loss. We mourn the loss. God mourns the loss.

Pray for the victims of these terrible storms.

*update* 10:15 am - Who wants to go to LifeSouth tomorrow to give blood? I'm pretty sure I'll be there at some point.

*update* 10:30 am - I'm having a really hard time focusing on class today. Too many thoughts of tornado victims and what we can do to help them. Let's brainstorm....

*update* 1:50 pm - Still having trouble focusing on class. I'm going to LifeSouth tomorrow fo sho.

*update* 6:08 pm - We got our exegetical papers back in my New Testament class. I made a 94 on mine. If you want to read it, it is here.

*update* 6:25 pm - And off we go down the rabbit hole.

*update* 7:40 pm - Trying to listen to this lecture...follow the powerpoint...and watch a chat on the NFL draft is not working out very well....

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