Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wow, I haven't done this in a while...

So, life's been busy for the past year and a half or so. The result of that has been no blog post of any substance for quite a while. (By substance, I mean "life update" sorts of stuff.) So I thought I'd give a quick update on myself and the family.

I am currently enjoying a break from classes. I decided to not take any classes this summer. It was a good decision. Classes are going well. The only blemish so far is "Christian Beliefs". My gripe is this, if an A- gives me less than 4 grade points, why does an A+ not give me more than 4 grade points? I think my GPA is 3.975 or something like that. Stupid Christian Beliefs.

I'll have 9 hours again in the fall. That means that come December, I will be half-way to my MDiv (44hrs). Crazy. That will mean it's taken me 5 semesters (counting last summer) to finish half. I plan to get the other half in 4 semesters (with a J-term or 2 thrown in) and graduate in the spring of 2014.

I am still at Mt. Moriah UMC in Moulton. I've been there a little over a year. Things are going well. We have our annual revival coming up early next month. We are also in the process of revamping our children's ministries and kicking off an active outreach ministry. I'm also still working at Coats Electric 3 days a week. Good times.

Misty is working in Lawrenceburg. She's up there 3-4 days a week working 12 hour shifts. It's hard, and it's tiring. But she says it's worth it.

The kids are getting ready to go back to school in late August. The Boy will start 10th grade. He decided to drop out of band this year, so football season will not be as busy as past years. He is also driving. Just the learner's permit right now, but the license will follow soon. that is a scary prospect. Not that his driving is bad, it's not at all. It's just a little scary to turn your little baby boy loose in a 2 ton motorized battering ram with thousands of other 2 ton motorized battering rams whizzing by and around him.

the girl will start 6th grade. She will serve as student council president this year. That's exciting. She is also taking acting and "musical theater" classes after school this fall. Fun stuff. This past Spring, she began playing soccer. she loved it, and was pretty good at it to boot. She played again this summer and plans to play in the fall. I love it!

I guess that's it for now. Sorry I don't have any humorous stories or significant memories to share this time around. Maybe I can get back into the swing of this and those things will make a return.

Oh, yeah, I'm also currently appearing in "The Sound of Music" at the Ritz Theater in Sheffield. We have shows today at 1 pm and Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:35 pm. It's been fun. I got the script last Wednesday, and we opened on Thursday. I love it!


  1. Hey there Scottimus. Thanks for the update. I've been wondering about you guys. I, too, have been somewhat lax with the updates on except what I've been reading.

  2. nice to have a new post, always love hearing about your adventures...speaking of being 16 and in control of a 2ton automobile, i remember when you taught me how to "swerve really fast in your own lane"...oh days of the sunbird...maybe he doesnt read your comments

  3. Adam,
    Were we playing "Dodge the Pothole"? Mars Hill Rd was the best for that before tehy repaved it and put in speed humps.

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