Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An Off Track Mind

This is probably premature. I’m not sure I’ve fully thought this out. Regardless, today I’ll offer my take on the Lost finale.

Before I start, let me say…. There be spoilers ahead. If you have not watched the finale, read no further. You’ve been warned…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Let me start off with a simple statement of fact. I loved the Lost finale. After a couple of days to think it over I thought I might not like it as much. I like it more now than I did upon first viewing.

That being said, I’m not going to try to convince you to like it, too. I just want to give my take and tell why I liked ‘The End.’

There has been much controversy surrounding the episode. “They left too many questions unanswered.” “The purgatory angle was weak story-telling.” “I feel cheated.”

I’ll address those later. For now, here’s how I saw it.

OK, honestly… I can’t do a recap today. I can’t focus my mind on the subject. There is entirely too much going on in my head right now. Church meetings, work stuff, pending results of my Annie audition (Which I plan to write about after the cast list is posted Wednesday night), a sick dog. Right now there is too much fog and not enough light to cut through to the frivolous stuff.

A sick dog. That I can write about.

I’m worried about Stitch. Sunday night someone asked, “What’s wrong with Stitch?” I said nothing. He just looks dirty and needs a bath. As the night went on I realized that was not the case.

I took the dogs for a walk. Before we left, he never got excited. He didn’t jump. He didn’t pace. He didn’t even seem happy about it. We went out and before I turned the second corner on our usual route he had fallen behind me. Typically he is at the end of his leash for the first 1 ½ to 2 miles of our walk. We’d barely gone half a block.

Yesterday He looked sick. In his face, he looked sick. His eyes, his expression. His coat is was dull. He seemed to be breathing heavy. I decided to try walking him again.

This time he got excited. Still no jumping or frantic pacing. He obviously felt happy and seemed excited to go. We took off on our usual route. We made one lap of our 1-mile loop around the neighborhood. After that first lap, Stitch began falling behind again.

I asked him if he wanted to go home. He turned around and began trotting toward our house. When we got home he seemed happier than when we left. My worry subsided a little.

This afternoon I checked in on him again. He was breathing heavy. Moving slowly. He seemed unsteady on his feet. Then he began to cough a little.

He has an appointment at the vet tomorrow. Hopefully it’s just Kennel Cough. In the meantime, I’m worried again.

I’ll write about Lost tomorrow. I promise.

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