Monday, May 10, 2010

It's Monday...again

I hope all of you mother readers had a great Mother’s Day. And I hope all of you mother havers gave your mother a great Mother’s Day.

I’ve been to see my grandmother twice in the last few days. Once last Friday and again on Mother’s Day. Why is that a big deal? Read all about it.

The visits went well. The place smelled much better. And Neenie seemed well. My sister and her family came while we were there on Mother’s Day. That made her even happier. More family = more happy.

My mom found some old pictures while going through some of my grandmother’s stuff last week. There are some really good pictures. Here is one that is surprisingly topical. It contains two recent topics addressed in this blog. Take a look:

That is my grandmother with my brother, 2 of my cousins (Andy & Christi), and me holding my best friend Frank. The picture was taken around 1978. I uploaded some others to Facebook. You can see them here.

I have to share one more picture. This is my family circa 1977. Before my sister came along.

Ah, the good ol’ days. (I’m kidding Ashley. I’m kidding.)

One last item. Here is a great article from the Huffington Post: 10 Ways Christians Tend to Fail at Being Christian. Really good stuff. Here’s a quote from my favorite on the list:

8) Too fixated on homosexuality. Can we Christians stop already with the gay and lesbian fixation? I know many of us understand our stance on the matter to be unassailably Biblical. I know a great many of us are deeply concerned about the "homosexual agenda." I know. We all know. Maybe Christians could just give that issue a rest for a while. It's not like gay and lesbian people are going anywhere. They'll all be there when we get back. Maybe -- for just a week, a day, a month -- we could concern ourselves with something else, and let them be.

Have a wonderful Monday!


  1. I read the "10 Ways..." post. All of his points are really good. Some of them featured in recent sermons; one just yesterday.

    Though not given to defending Church for its many and obvious warts, in this instance I feel I must at least state the obvious. Mr. Shore's complaints are over-broad to the extent that he should have named the article "10 Ways We Fail to be Human." Each of his points could be applied to most of what passes for any civilized culture these days. Compassion is scarce, generosity rare, and humility nearly absent. Empathy springs from these (in part), and while empathy lacks we have bunches of pounding screamers.

    Golly. It looks like I'm in a dyspeptic funk. Back to my point; the church is filled with the people of the world, and we, the people of the world, are all a bunch of (yes, I'm going to say it) sinners, inside the pious halls and out. The thing the church has going for it is grace. And forgiveness. Oh, often not enough from those attending, but abundantly from God. We offer, sometimes better than others, the thing that saves humanity from utter despair, and that is hope - hope that we can in fact be accepted and forgiven by our maker. And that is something we all need.

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