Monday, March 1, 2010

My Day Off

I’ve decided to take a break from writing today. So instead, I’ll turn the reigns over to my kids. Below are stories and essays written by my kids. I’ll type them exactly as the kids wrote them. Enjoy.

First up, a story my son wrote a few years ago. It reads a little like one of Aesop’s Fables. A little.

The Snake and the Mouse

One day there was a mouse trying to move a big piece of cheese into his hole. He saw out of the corner of his eye the snake slithering by. He scurried up to ask if he would like to help. The snake replied, “Why should I help you? You haven’t done anything for me!” The mouse sighed and went to try to move it again. One day, while the snake was trying to get food, an eagle swooped down and picked up the snake an carried him to his nest. A few hours later, while the eagle was gone, the mouse came. He freed the snake and the snake never refused to help anyone ever again.

Now, a short story written by my daughter. She penned this story in the style of a picture book. She used son sticky notes I got a few years ago as her illustrations. Here are the pictures followed by the story. Each sentence begins a new page. You can imagine the pictures in place as you read.

Wiches Galore

glinda was by the pond.

The wich of the West was thinking

They both loved to do what they where doing when…

They left.

I am most proud of this next item. It is framed in my office and sits behind my desk. My son wrote this as a school assignment in 3rd grade.

If I could choose a special name it would be my dads name Joseph. I would like to be named after him because of his extreme tolerance and kindness. We have a family business called Coats Electric and almost everyday someone calls and yells at him and its nearly never his fault and yet he remains calling. (I’m assuming this should read calm.) I look up to him and respect him and that is why I would like to be named after him.

That one still breaks my heart every time I read it. I try to remember to read it every few weeks. Good stuff.

Finally here is a story my daughter wrote today. She injured her foot Saturday at a birthday party and stayed home from school to have it checked out. (She has an injured tendon in her foot, and now sports a walking cast.) This is what she worked on at my office this afternoon. It is not finished, but is off to a great start.

Jennifer Aquamen and the Attack of the Fladoodles

Once upon a time there was a girl named Jennifer Aquamen. She was a wizard and she had six sisters and one brothers. There names were Tanner, Milee, Abby, emma, Annsley, M&M (Mary Margret), and Annie. Her and her sisters Milee and Abby helped there mom, Mya, cook & serve dinner, set the table, and all that Jazz. But they would use magic. The Aquamens didn’t leave much only when they needed food or something else. the kids were home school because there parents said they might use magic. Thank goodness the had a bunck of twins. Tanner and Milee. Abby, emma, and Jennifer. Annsley, M&M, and Annie.

One quiet day Jennifer looked outside. “Mother look some pancakes with bacon and cream cheese inside them.” “The attack of the fladoodles!” she gasped.

“What?” Jennifer asked. “Ohh never mind get down!” she screamed.

Milee it’s okay, come here!” her mom said. Then emma and Abby walked in the room and started yelling “no girls shut up!” Milee said. “Hey!” they said “Fire!” yelled a flapdoodle.

the fire right at the girls! “Move! get out of the way! get down duck! do something!” Mya screamed the couldn’t move she finally. she ran and moved them just in time.

To be continued!

Well, there you have it, a little content from some guest writers. Kind of makes me feel like Bil Keane on the days “Jeffy” fills in.

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