Monday, February 8, 2010

The Jury May Be Out

I have Jury Duty this morning.

I have no idea why, but I’m sort of excited about it. For the lasts couple of weeks people have been telling me ways to get out of it. I don’t want to get out of it. I’m looking forward to it.

I know I won’t get on a jury. At least not in Criminal Court. I’m guessing the defense does not want a juror who drove the prosecutor to a funeral in Birmingham 2 weeks ago.

Said prosecutor, though, told me that I will likely get bumped into the civil court jury pool. That could be fun.

Then again, I could get sent home.

Court may be up in the air at this point. As my son and I left the house this morning it started to snow. By the time we’d reached my parents’ house (he’s walking their dog while they are out of town) the roads were covered and starting to get slippery. When we left their house the streets were white (even my tire tracks from 10 minutes prior were covered). As we travelled to my office I saw several cars slide, skid, and swerve on the slick surface. We even saw a car that had skidded it’s way off of the road and into a small wooded lot.

So now I’m not even sure there will be court today. But I’ll call and find out. And if court is still in session, I will report to perform my civic duty. And if I report, I will have a small note pad with me to take notes, so I’ll have stories.

This is going to be a fun day.

*UPDATE - 9:00 AM* No court today. The roads are cuh-razy! We've had about 3-4" of snow since 7am. It's the end of the world as we know it.

My daughter and I built a snowman. Well, we started it and I finished it. The second picture is a neighbor's snow fort. It was "christened" by a neighborhood dog. Then it is the biggest snowball I've ever seen or made. I think I have a hernia.

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