Friday, December 4, 2009

We need a little Christmas...or maybe not.

The holidays have not been kind to my weight so far. I’ve actually done a little better than I thought. Alas, my goal is but a distant wisp of smoke on the horizon. I’m sure I’ll get there. Almost positive.

Life has been interesting lately. I’ve never seen my self as one having seasonal depression. This year I’m not so sure. As we get deeper into winter life seems to get more and more blue. I don’t think it’s the season. I think it is just coincidence. Life just seems to be piling on the feces lately. An example, you ask? OK.

Last weekend we went to Gatlinburg. We’d all been looking forward to this trip for a long, long time. Wednesday, the day before we were to leave, as Misty washed clothes our washing machine stopped working. The night before Thanksgiving. Stress!

When we returned from our trip, we had no washer in which to wash our dirty laundry. Luckily my parents were out of town, so Misty took the clothes over there and used their machines. Stress!

Sunday I took a shot at finding and fixing the problem. The machine would not agitate or spin. That can be expensive. I hoped it was a broken or loose belt. I took the back off of the machine. The belt was fine. This repair was beyond my expertise. (I use the word “expertise” very loosely. I can replace a belt.) Repairs would have to wait for a professional. Stress!

The repairman came and found the problem. It was not the motor, as I’d feared. It was worse. The motor control board was bad. I hoped it was not the motor because those can get expensive. The control board is more expensive. For parts and all it was going to cost about $300 to get it fixed. $300 is no small amount any time of year. But it seems especially large around Christmas. Stress!

This is just one of the piles of poo that life has decided to drop on my head lately. There are also grades (the kids’), work, general Holiday stress, arguing kids, and many other parts of life that are seemingly in upheaval. All at the same time.

Luckily one of these stresses has been relieved! Thanks to some members of our wonderful church family, we have a washer without paying $300 to have ours fixed. A couple who go to church with us (Tim & Jennie Corley) happened to have their adult son’s washer sitting in storage. They were gracious enough to offer it to us to use for as long as needed or at least until Doug needs it back. Problem solved (temporarily, at least.) I don’t say this often enough, I love that church! (Edgemont UMC)

Well, it’s the last weekend for SEC football before the bowl games. I guess I’ll pick the game. No explanation, just a pick. Alabama v. Florida (-5) – I think Florida wins it. No surprise there, right?

Speaking of Holiday stress and seasonal depression, Edgemont UMC is hosting a “Service of the Longest Night” later this month. You can get more info about it here: EUMC.

I started thinking about New Year’s resolutions the other day. That reminded me that one of mine was to write 5 songs this year. I’m behind by about 3. I thought 5 was an easy goal to reach. I’ve got to take some time to try to write.

I feel like there is a lot more I need to say. Unfortunately I have no idea what it is. My brain has run dry. It’s time to go pick up kids anyway.

I’ll leave with this. Despite all of my talk of seasonal depression and holiday stress. I love this time of year! I love Thanksgiving. I love Christmas. I love the music. I love being around family. I love the parties. I love the decorations.

How about you? Is this a happy season or depressing? Let’s talk about it.

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