Wednesday, June 17, 2009

AC '09 Plog Part 3

Once more to Annual Conference. This should wrap it up. If you haven’t read the previous 2 posts, you’ll want to do that. Just to get the gist of the sessions so far if nothing else. As in the previous two posts, my hand-written notes are transposed here verbatim. My commentary is added in red.

Afternoon Business Session Cont’d

The entire room just went deathly quiet. Why?

Bob Murray (Director of Camp Sumatanga) just announced that as things stand, Camp Sumatanga (United Methodist camp and retreat center near Gadsden, AL) will run out of operating funds between August and September of this year.

Capital Campaign has pledges of $1.4 million toward a goal of $5 million

This is quite sobering. A quick bit of commentary on the camp. Sumatanga has been a very important part of my life. I didn’t attend camp as a camper, but went as a Junior High Camp counselor for 4 summers. I attended the Behold retreat there 4-5 times. I also attended as a leader on several weekend events. Sumatanga was instrumental in my development as a leader. I went into youth ministry because of my experience as a Counselor. I met one of my best friends at Sumatanga, and I have made many more friends there in the years since

I learned more at Sumatanga about love, tolerance, patience, and acceptance than I could ever put into words. That of course did not stop me from trying. I wrote the following in November 2002 on a Junior High retreat (on page 2 of this 7 year-old notebook). Which was the last time I was there before I moved to Kentucky. I don’t think I’ve been there since.

I’m at Camp Sumatanga right now for what may be the last time. Probably not, but at least the last time for a while. Every time I come here I am reminded of God’s majesty, power, and love. It is almost tangible here.

I took a couple of walks alone this weekend. I went into the woods and spent several minutes by the creek. It is one of the most peaceful spots on Earth (even though it’s not that far from the Lodge). It was a great time between God and myself.

I feel like I have been closer to God this weekend than I have been in a very long time. I thank God for this place and the time I have been able to spend here! I hope I can come back at least once in a while. Thank you God for your love!

$300,000 will get camp through to the next year. (I just read that they have raised about $100,000 so far)

Every congregation [to] take a special offering in the next 2 months. (Edgemont is taking one this Sunday June 21st.) This will go toward Sumatanga. By the end of July.

RG Lyons @ Comm. Church Without Walls pledges $1,000 and challenges every church in the Conference to do the same. CCWW’s members have an average income of $12,000 per year. This is sacrificial giving, and demonstrates the importance of Sumatanga to the people of North Alabama.

Wow. A man (Rev. Charles Lee) just asked for commitments of $1000 for Sumatanga. About 100 people stood up. Wow. Later the Conference reported that those who stood with Rev. Lee pledged around $80,000 toward Sumatanga’s survival.

If you would like to help you can send donations to (Make checks out to Camp Sumatanga and put “General Donation” in the Memo Line.):

Camp Sumatanga
3616 Sumatanga Rd
Gallant, AL 35972

For more info on the camp visit

6/6/09 Morning Session

Went to eat with Heath and Eric last night. We had a great time. I ate too much. I also learned I like Margaritas. Margarita Monday here I come! We went to Villa Fiesta (again). I really like that place. I think we sat there for about 3 hours. And just for clarification, I had one sip of a Margarita. I will have more in the future. For those infrequent readers, I don’t drink much. Well, not at all really. Mostly because I’ve never really found a drink I like. I guess I have one now.

The room is a lot less full this morning. I really like this song. “Share the Well”? I guess I should’ve read these notes before now so I would remember to look up that song. It’s time for the Communion Service. We just had a time of prayer in about 5 languages. That was cool. When I wrote that (and again as I read it just now) my mind went immediately to “I Speak 6 Languages” from Spelling Bee.

It looks like most of the Amendments were defeated. No surprise there, really. Sumatanga offering was $62,000 yesterday. It was a later announcement that mentioned $80,000. Church Closings. We’re about to vote. Closings 4X more than starting.

Is it just me or does Dale Cohen look a little like a Secret Service agent stalking through the aisles? Seriously, am I the only one?

Mark Devries

Rene Rochester – Vessels of Blessing

Both of these speakers talked about reaching youth in the church. The first guy was really good. I took notes, but I’m not going to post them here. They are too sketchy. No observations, just notes on his presentation.

The second person was really hard to follow. She was funny, but not all that engaging, I guess. I ended up leaving before she was finished.

On my way out, I finally saw Matt Miller. We didn’t talk long. As you know, I’m not much for small talk. At least he now believes I was there.

Overall, I had a great experience at Conference. What did I learn?

· Old people and preachers don’t wear shorts. I refuse to be either.

· Hybrid guitars are great for worship music.

· I really like the cross used in opening worship. Edgemont needs one.

· We are empowered. We want to empower. We do empower. We are empowered to empower.

· Many people still do not know how to turn off their cell phone ringers.

· The Church is still a long way from being tolerant. And miles away from being inclusive. Which says to me that we are a long way off from being the Church. (i.e. the true Body of Christ).

· If I am one of 7 people giving a report, I will not read a book.

· Camp Sumatanga is in dire straits. Please help if you can.

1 comment:

  1. Please note my attempt to not engage you in small talk.

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