Monday, December 1, 2008

I've got no snazzy title. It's too Monday.

Apparently I never had a free moment last week. I guess I was busy for some reason.

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I ate entirely too much and was happy about it. I was relieved to find out that my costume still fit at Saturday’s rehearsal.

My Uncle Bill & Aunt Barbara ate with us at my parents’ house. We don’t get to see them very often. They moved to Hawaii about 10 years ago. I’m glad they could be there with us. My grandmother came as well. Which sent a small pang of guilt through my gut. I keep telling her we’re going to come visit and we never seem to have take the time. We did go visit her yesterday, so we’re making progress.

We celebrated a few birthdays last week. My nephew turned 16 Monday. We threw a surprise party for him last Saturday. He was born my freshman year at AU. He is driving now. That’s scary.

Misty’s birthday was on Thanksgiving Day. I always relish this month or so when she is older than me. We held a huge shindig in honor of her birthday. We ate turkey, dressing, macaroni and cheese, pumpkin pie.

My youngest turned 8 yesterday. Time flies. We had her party Saturday night after we did something else. I’m having trouble remembering exactly what we did. I guess it was nothing important.

My Mom’s birthday is today. She and my Dad flew out to Tampa yesterday and are on a boat somewhere in the Caribbean right now. Watch out for Pirates! (That was a joke, Ashley. Everyone knows it’s the Indian Ocean where you have to watch out for pirates.)

We’re holding our first official Dress Rehearsal tonight for “A Christmas Story.” I say “official” because we’ve actually done the last few rehearsals in costume. We open Thursday night. I’m pretty excited. I hope I get the chance to do this again soon. I still need a good voice for my Tree Salesman character. It’ll come. The show runs Thursday-Sunday. Come out and see it if you can.

I hope to get back into a writing rhythm this week. That means more updates, more stories, more meaningless drivel for your reading pleasure. Or it may just mean more wasted bandwidth. We’ll see.

Have a great rest of your Monday. I’m going to watch the snow.

I guess I will acknowledge the Iron Bowl. I was going to ignore it, but I can’t. Congratulations to the Tide. They played a hell of a game. Good luck on the remainder of your season. WAR EAGLE!

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