Friday, October 31, 2008

This is Halloween! This is Halloween!

Just a few quick sentences to update life and then I’m done for the week. This will make 3 updates this week. Wow.

I watched Jesus Christ Superstar (the movie) last night. I saw it once before several years ago. I forgot how awfully bad it was. I think the jets doing a fly by of Judas was my favorite part. The music and singing was still pretty good. Gethsemane is just as amazing as on the cast album. Great song. Thank God I was busy on the computer (playing a game) so I wasn’t watching all that much, just listening.

After 12 years I finally framed and hung my college degree in my office. I don’t like the frame. I may take it down. It sat hidden (semi-lost) in a box for about 11 ½ years. Luckily we found it before it was sold at our Yard Sale a few months ago. It’s nice to have it displayed, even though I am doing nothing even close to my major. I do get to help with some video projects for church from time to time, so I guess the 4+ years (and thousands of dollars) weren’t completely wasted.

Hopefully next week will be the last trip to Opelika. But I’m not holding my breath.

I love the new house. So far it stand alone as my favorite house we have owned. I think it will stay that way. The only things leaving it in doubt are my dogs. We put them in a small room at the back of the house at night. I put in a dog door last week so they can go outside as needed. For some reason Stitch fells the need to go outside at 2:30 in the morning and bark. Every morning. This causes Harvey to flip out. He then starts whining and constantly sticking his head in and out of the cat door that leads to the rest of the house. Their room shares a wall with our bedroom, so I hear every bit of this. Every night. Today, I’m a little tired.

I guess I should say Happy Halloween! I think this year I’ll go as The Invisible Man (after he’s cured). It’s a great costume and takes very little effort.

I like Halloween. It’s not my very favorite holiday, but I like it. I definitely like it more now than I did 15, or so, years ago. I went through one of those “Halloween is Evil” stages in my late teens and early twenties. Actually, it was a little more than just Halloween that was evil, but I’ll get into that at a later date.

I loved the holiday as a kid. Lots of memories are flooding through my brain as I try to type. Homemade costumes, haunted house trips, haunted house injuries, dead cats, toilet paper, and water hoses. Good times.

I’m trying to decide my all-time favorite costume. There are lots to choose from. Homemade Spiderman, Homemade Superman, Zombie, Confederate soldier zombie, Tommy Tuberville. Of course there were a few plastic mask (with the elastic band), plastic shirt superheroes thrown in as well. You remember, don’t you? The costumes that were ready to burst into flames at even the hint of a spark. Yeah, those were fun.

I guess I should explain the dead cat story. One Halloween when I was 4 or 5 years old we went to my grandparents’ house for a Halloween Party. It was a dark and stormy night, literally. We had thunderstorms with lots of lightning all night long. After the party we went home. When we arrived home, we opened the garage door and pulled inside. In the garage, we found our cat dead and stiff as a board. He was alive and well when we left. Maybe someone scared him to death? Was he struck by lightning? To this day, we have no idea what happened to him.

Until about 6-7 years ago I had a paralyzing fear of Haunted Houses. I would not go near them. This began when I was about 7-8 years old. That year someone decided it was a good idea for the kids at church to go to the Jaycee’s Haunted House. I made it about 5 feet inside the door before the crying started. By the second or third room, I was screaming. Eventually someone found a side door and whisked me away to safety. I sat outside sniffling while I waited for the rest of the group to emerge.

I didn’t visit another haunted house until I took the youth at Bluff Park UMC to Sloss Furnace. It took every bit of courage I could muster to enter that place. I wasn’t going in, but I quickly learned that if I stayed outside, I would never live it down. I went and I survived. It was actually really fun, with the exception of the clowns. I don’t like clowns. At all.

Eat candy. Be safe. And watch out for the clowns! Happy Halloween!

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