Friday, July 11, 2008


I am beat. I wrote most of this yesterday, and I’m glad I did. I don’t think I could have transferred all of this from thought to keyboard today. Glen’s show was really good, as expected. I was also impressed by the opening act. Antje something or other. Help me out, Eric. What was her name? She was good, if you like folk music. I happen to enjoy it, lucky for me.
I looked it up. It’s Antje Duvekot.
The lack of sleep I’m experiencing today is well worth it. It’s kind of funny that I’m teaching Sunday School this week and our topic is sleep or the lack there of. Kind of appropriate.
I’m considering signing up for an adult baseball league. Florence has one that has apparently been around for a couple of years. I wish the ages were broken down a little more. I’m not excited about the prospect of playing against 24 year-old guys. That and the fact that I haven’t faced live pitching in way too many years may be reason enough to skip it this year.
I had pretty much given up on the idea until one of the guys from church told me Wednesday that he has signed up to play. And he’s a year older than me. Still, it’s been a while. As we’ve established, I’m not as young as I think I am. Maybe I’ll stick to golf.
Speaking of, I played golf for the second time this year Tuesday. I think it may be the second time in the last two years. I can’t remember. This was the best kind of golf. Someone else paid for it. I did pretty well. I finished +2. Using my scoring system means that I lost 1 ball, but I found 3. It was a good day despite taking many more that 100 swings.
We’re doing the song I wrote again this Sunday! Here’s your chance to hear it, Ashley. On top of that, the kids are singing this week and my youngest has a solo. Exciting times in Coatsland!
Speaking of my youngest, she’s going to be singing and dancing on stage next Friday! I’m way, very super-excited! The local Children’s theater company is doing a stage version of High School Musical. Earlier this week they had a “Dance Camp” for younger kids (since the cast is all teenagers and a couple of adults). The kids learned the song and dance for the finale of the show. They will join the cast on stage for one production each to sing & dance in the finale. I love seeing my kids interested in theater stuff! I just hope they both stick with it.
“Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice!”
I miss Super Friends. What a great show. Okay, I admit it was not that great of a show. I sure did love it as a kid, though. The Wonder Twins. They were great!
Misty has a kidney stone again. At least we’re pretty sure she does. Luckily, she’s feeling much better today than she did Wednesday. She’s had them before in both kidneys. Hopefully this one will pass on through and not require any outside assistance.
That’s all I can squeeze out today. I think this was an insanity-free entry. Those are few and far between lately. I’ll try to make up for it next week with a little extra crazy.
I’m ready for the weekend and here it comes. Have a great one!

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