Friday, June 13, 2008

Brush up your Shakespeare. Start quoting him now.

If you haven't already, read yesterday's entry. I want as many as possible to read about my granddad.
I am an entertainment loser. It is June 13th and I have yet to see a summer movie. I haven’t seen Iron Man. I haven’t seen Indiana Jones. Not a thing. I am completely out of touch with the cinematic world.
The music world has passed my by as well. I haven’t bought a CD in over a year. Even then it was a Glen Phillips CD that was almost a year old. The last 4 CDs I bought were Mr. Lemons, Winter Pays for Summer (both Glen Phillips), and the cast albums for The Drowsy Chaperone & Wicked. Come to think of it I didn’t buy Winter Pays for Summer, Heath bought it for me.
I am losing touch with Pop Culture. The only thing I have is TV. Even there I only watch a couple of shows that the rest of America watches. Lost and The Office are the only things I watch that come close to hit TV shows. The First 48 and Forensic Files don’t exactly generate water cooler moments.
One area I’m up to date on is Musical Theater. I may not know 4 of 5 Grammy nominees, but I can tell you every show nominated for the Best New Musical Tony. And I’ve heard at least a couple of songs from each of them. Speaking of the Tony Awards, Sunday at 7:00 on CBS. Mark your calendar! My TiVo will be whirling!
My Predictions: New Musical – In the Heights; Revival – Sunday in the Park with George; Lead Actor in a Musical - Lin-Manuel Miranda (though my heart is with Tom Wopat); Lead Actress in a Musical – Kelli O’Hara; Featured Actor in a Musical – Christopher Fitzgerald; Featured Actress in a Musical – de’Adre Aziza; New Play – Rock n’ Roll; Revival of a Play – Macbeth; Lead Actor in a Play – Patrick Stewart (Go Captain Picard!)
For some reason I feel like I should talk about football now. I’m looking for Auburn to be pretty good this year. I also think Bama will be much improved over last year. I say Georgia wins the East, AU wins the West (Bama #2) and UGA takes the SEC CG. AU & UGA both get BCS Games (one in the Championship game, the other in the Sugar) with 11-1 records after trading losses. Maybe it’s a pipe dream, but it’s fairly realistic. And I’ll say Bama goes to the Cotton Bowl as the SEC’s #5 team.
I think I successfully gained back some credibility with my male readers with that paragraph.
I am completely happy living in my Glen Phillips, Show Tune, Police Reality show, SEC Football world. It’s kind of quiet here this time of year.

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