Monday, May 5, 2008

Traditiooooonnn! Tradition!

An early morning entry. (Well, it was early when I started.) Just to update, I had 818 Junk e-mails this past week. The folder is now empty. Well, ok, it's relatively empty. There are 29 messages in there already.

Our house went on the market, officially, Friday. We have someone looking at it this morning. And here's the interesting part of the story: I'll give you the long version.

It was a dark and stormy night... Wait, I said the long version, not the Snoopy version.

We signed all of the paper work Friday to get our house listed. The sign went up Saturday morning. We spent the weekend tidying things up a little bit. 

We went to an open house yesterday for a house that our Realtor has listed. She wasn't there, but one of her associates was showing it. Since he knew we were working with them, he sent a text to our Realtor to let her know we were there. She sent one back to let us know that she just got a call on our house. Wow, a call already after only a day on the market.

Last night we had a combined service with Greater St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church. That's a mouthful. Before hand we had a dinner. While I was waiting in line I was talking to someone (can't remember who it was) about our house. As we were talking another lady walked up to the line. 

She asked, "You live in the Cedars Townhomes, don't you?"
"Those aren't for sale very often, are they?"
"Well, it kind of goes in spurts. There won't be any for a while, and then there will be 4 or 5 at once. There's one for sale right now. It's ours."
"That's yours?!? We were driving around looking at them this afternoon and called about it. We're going to look at it."
"Good, It's nice. Reeeeeal nice."

That was the conversation in a nutshell. Bottom line is, someone we go to church with is looking at our house, well, right now. Here's hoping it sells quickly! 

Misty starts working full-time today! Well, actually today is no different than any other Monday for the last few months. She always works all day Monday. But tomorrow will be different, and the next day, and the next, and... well, you get the point. Graduation is Saturday.

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