Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day


Sorry I left you (both of you) hanging with last week's entry. No, the day never really got any better. In fact it sort of went downhill from that point and never recovered. The rest of the week wasn't so bad, though.

Christmas was wonderful. I hope yours was as well.

I learned this today: Boxing Day  "Reduced to the simplest essence, [Boxing Day's] origins are found in a long-ago practice of giving cash or durable goods to those of lower classes." So, it's not about getting rid of Christmas boxes?

What a great holiday! I'm not so sure this is what is observed today, but what a great concept. I advocate giving to the less fortunate as often as possible, but how great would it be to have a national holiday with that as the focus. A day after we tend to focus on getting, we turn it around and experience the joy of giving! I like to think that the giving is my favorite part of Christmas, but I get really caught up in the getting.

Every year we go through the kids' closets with them and pick out several things they don't really play with any more and donate it to the Salvation Army or Hannah Home or Goodwill. The kids sort of enjoy it. They like the idea of giving things to others, but inevitably they run across some long forgotten toy that they can't bear to part with. We will adopt an Angel or two from the Salvation Army when we can. But these things usually get lost in the busyness of shopping, Christmas parties, cooking, etc. What a great concept to set aside a day after the insanity and focus on giving. I LOVE IT!  And as an added bonus, it's something everyone can get behind regardless of religious belief or affiliation. It's a win, win, win.

Starting in 2008 my family is celebrating Boxing Day. Woo hoo!

In case I don't get to post between now and next Tuesday, have a happy and safe New Year!

Before I go, though, let me express my complete displeasure with the Carmike Cinema in Florence. Sweeney Todd is not showing here yet! I'm pretty pissed about that. The first movie I've been really excited about in a long time, and I can't see it! Geez! On the positive side, I got Sweeney Todd In Concert for Christmas. On the down side, Misty can't find it. So goes life.

I hope everyone has/had a Happy/Merry Christmaramakwanzukkah

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