Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Useless post

I have a strong feeling that I should post even though I have nothing remotely interesting to report, update, or comment on that will add any value or meaning to your day or mine. But here I am anyway.

I finally finished Velvet Elvis. You should read it. It only took 6 months. I don't do well with non-fiction. Eric, I promise to get it back to you soon.

I saw Derek Webb & Sandra McCracken again last weekend. That is one talented couple.

Random TV predictions: 
Heroes: West will turn out to be a bad guy. Sylar will die before the season ends. 
The Office: Jim and Pam are headed for trouble.
Lost: This will be a kick ass season!
College Football (hey, it's on TV): I'm 75% sure Auburn wins by more than 13 this weekend. Auburn will not win next weekend (11/17). I'm 100% sure of that!

Anyone else watching Chuck? The pilot was really good. The second one, not so much. Since then it keeps getting stronger every week.

Emily, you may or may not realize this but you sometimes over-share. Just FYI.


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