Friday, October 5, 2007


Sort of a boring day at work today (that is not a complaint), so I'll just post random thoughts as they enter my brain. It's like free-form poetry without the talent or the poetry.

My parents are gone to Italy. My pastor is gone to Israel. I guess some one I know needs to go to Iowa or Istanbul (not Constantinople). Have you ever wondered why did Constantinople get the works? Me neither. I guess It's nobody's business. I feel the need to travel. I really want to go to NYC. If anyone is going on a pre-paid trip to NYC and your travel partner drops out at the last minute I'd love to take their spot. 

I really hate talking on the phone. When the phone rings at the office I pray it's not for me (not literally). When the phone rings at home, I ignore it unless it's someone I need to talk to. 

My son is 10 and in the 5th grade. He still hates girls, but I know it's just a matter of time. In a few very short years (or months) he's going to want to start dating. He's going to meet girls at the movies. That's scary. We need to have THE TALK. That's even scarier. 

I finally saw Hairspray last weekend. It was really good. Except for John Travolta. I just didn't buy him as Edna Turnblad. The rest of the cast made up for him though. I think we're going to see Ratatoo... Ratitou... that Pixar, rat-in-Paris movie this weekend. I love the cheap movie! 

I don't cry much. Well, ever really. But for some reason TV and especially movies make me get emotional. I don't cry, but I get weepy, lump-in-the-throat emotional. It can be embarrassing. It comes on unexpectedly sometimes. When there's a sweet moment on Full House a spontaneous sob can pop up at any time. I have to cover it up with a quick chuckle. The most embarrassing emotisodes have to be the times (yes, plural) I've welled up watching The Contender. Yes, the boxing reality show. It happened last night Luckily I was home alone (that movie gets to me, too). The guy who lost the fight said something like "I feel bad for my family. I'm sorry I let you guys down." He's crying, I'm sniffly. Good times.

I'm wearing $9 Wal-Mart jeans today. I love them.

Legally Blonde: The Musical is coming on MTV next Saturday (13th). You should watch it. I can't remember what time, I'll have to check my TiVo schedule.

It has taken me an hour to write this much nonsense. I should stop. Have a great weekend!

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