Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I obsess. My life is pretty much one obsession after another. They usually last a few weeks. Some last longer, but not often. Some only last a day or so. (I had a few obsessive hours last night in regard to The 25th APC Spelling Bee)I have periods where I'm not really obsessed with anything but they don't last long. Past obsessions include Lost, The Drowsy Chaperone, Glen Phillips (lasted a loooong time), Heroes, Sutton Foster (not quite over that one yet), and Strawberry Newtons.

No matter how long they last, they consume my mind. I can think of little else (at least in my idle time). I look for any and all information I can get.

My last obsession was Derek Webb. This sprang up a couple of weeks before I saw him in Nashville and lasted a week or so after. I listened to his music. Looked for chords to the songs. Read interviews, articles, etc.

Now it's Harry Potter. I guess it's the impending release of the 5th movie and the final book that put the topic on my brain. I just finished re-reading the 5th book. Now I'm re-reading the 6th. In the meantime I'm looking up all information I can find. Rumors, speculation, theories, etc.

No matter how long the obsession lasts, the love never leaves. So don't fret Sutton. I still love you.

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