Monday, March 5, 2007

My life...

Here's a laundry list of what's going on in the Coats realm.

What I'm watching:
Heroes is great stuff right now. Last week's episode was probably the best yet. They are starting from the beginning on Sci-Fi this Friday. I recommend it. I've also started watching Scrubs. I wish I'd been watching this all along. There is some great writing & acting on that show. Funny, poignant stuff.

What I'm reading:
A Darkness More than Night by Michael Connelly, right now. I'm not very far into it. It's not bad so far. I've been reading books to the kids at night. We're reading from the "Great Illustrated Classics" series. They are slightly abridged versions of classic books. So far we've read The Wizard of Oz, Black Beauty, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. We started Treasure Island last night. I'm enjoying the books, too. I don't think I've read any of them before. Though I did do a book report on Tom Sawyer in 8th grade.

What I'm listening to:
Broadway, of course. Mostly Wicked & The Drowsy Chaperone (I have the CDs.) The kids love both and ask to listen to them in the car.

I've also been listening to Derek Webb's Mockingbird. I really like this CD. He has some great things to say. It is a VERY critical look at faith, religion, and life. It really encourages and challenges me to think critically about my faith and how it affects my beliefs and actions.

What I'm doing:
Aside from work, I'm still playing guitar for our Alternative Worship service. Two weeks ago our worship leader resigned, so that has put a little pressure on the others in the band. If I had a little more musical knowledge I would try to step in the interim, but it intimidates the crap out of me! If anyone has a desire to be a worship leader in the Florence area, or knows someone who would, let me know.

My youngest is playing soccer at the Y. They don't really keep score, but of course the kids want to know who won every game. So far they are 0-2. She told me they lost the first game because she did not play in the 4th quarter. She's confident.

Time to pick up the kids...

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