Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I don't think I ever posted about the cat that showed up at our house a couple of weeks ago. We were definitely not keeping it. I didn't even want to see it, because I'm weak. When it showed up at our house tiny and skinny we immediately called everyone we knew who might want a kitten. No one wanted it. The next day my wife decided the best place to show it off and give it away was at my office. So he lived in the warehouse for a week and a half. No one wanted it. We asked everyone in our Sunday School class. No one wanted it. Well, now he's at our house. We have a new kitten.

His name is Wiley. He's named for Bob Wiley, Bill Murray's character in "What About Bob?". Because like Bob, he showed up at the house unannounced and won't go away. He is quite a cutie though. I'll have to get a picture posted later.

Our house has turned into an episode of "Wild Kingdom" lately. Our two dogs and other cat are getting used to having Wiley around. Stitch (dog #1) pretty much ignores him. Isabella (the cat) was actually playing with him this morning, but ignores him or hisses at him when we're watching. Harvey (the puppy) just wants to lick Wiley's butt. I'm a little grossed out by that.

I'm not sure I've ever mentioned this, but we have the gayest dogs I've ever been around. I'll give more detail someday.

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