Thursday, September 21, 2006

TV stuff

The season premiere of The Office is tonight. I just started watching it toward the end of last season. I do quite enjoy it, though. It's quickly climbed toward the top of my "Season Pass" rankings on TiVo. I'll have to watch it tonight, though, since it comes on at the same time as Survivor. I still haven't watched the premiere from last week. I love TiVo, but it leads to TV Procrastination. (e.g. I still have the last 5 episodes of Desperate Housewives from last season recorded but unwatched.)

Only 13 days until the Lost premiere! That is exciting. I'm the type of guy who doesn't mind knowing what's goign to happen, so I've read some spoilers. Sounds like some good stuff coming down the pipe. Want to know? Go here.

There are a few new series that look interesting this year, I'm not sure I need another "can't miss" show. So I think I'll stick to what I've got. I do miss Arrested Development. I need to get the 3rd Season DVD set. Then I can have all the Bluths whenever I want them.

That's all for now. Say goodnight, Gracie.

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