Friday, September 15, 2006

Too much Broadway?

Can you get too much Broadway? What are the effects of "too much Broadway"? Two things happened yesterday that have me questioning my amount of Showtune intake. (FYI, I listen to Broadway's Best on Sirius Radio pretty much all day.)

1) My dad says, "You're going to have to stop listening to showtunes. Your son makes up and sings them all the time. He can make up a showtune about almost anything." First of all, he never does this when I'm around. I wish he would. My first reaction was "that's hilarious." Then my thoughts turned to the next great Broadway lyricist/composer. Look out Sondheim, Schwartz and the like comes Coats!

2) I was driving along and a Liza Minelli song came on the radio. I was shocked when I found myself enjoying the song. I've never liked Liza, except as the vertigo plagued Lucille II on Arrested Development (God, I miss that show!). I was a little scared. Then I realized that I still turn the channel everytime Barbara Streisand comes on. So I'm good.

Conclusion, can you get too much Broadway? No.
What are the effects of copious amounts of showtunes? A musical child, maybe some culture, realizing the "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist," an unexplained fear of large talking plants and meat pies, and...well... I think I'm a better dresser.

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