Friday, September 1, 2006


Fridays are quickly becoming my least favorite day of the week. I should be excited about the weekend, I should be happy the week is almost over. But alas, I find myself dreading Friday more each week. Increasingly, Friday means angry (mostly unjustified anger) phone calls, unpleasant confrontations with subcontractors, and just a general feeling of unrest.

Thursday has long been my favorite day of the week. For me it means the weekend is almost here. "Tomorrow's Firday! Woohoo!" But my growing distaste for Friday is tainting my love for Thursday. Which makes me like Friday even less. Stupid vicious circle of hate!

I'm glad it's a long weekend. Long live Labor Day!!!!

Oh God, It's Friday.....

On a happier note, I was looking back at my LJ from 1 year ago today (OK, it was actually yesterday) and right now I am approximately 12 lighter than I was then. Happy days are here again! I think I'll have two hot dogs at teh Football game tonight.

Oh man, happiness again! High School football starts tonight! Fall is here!

HAHA!! It is a good day after all.

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