Sunday, September 3, 2006

Good game last night. I'm still glad I didn't go. It was over late, and I would've been home very late. I'm anxious to see AU against some SEC competition. I'm just glad it's Miss St. before it's LSU. WAR EAGLE!

Misty and I went to a funeral today. I hate funerals. If at all possible I would like to avoid ever having one. I think the main reason I don't like them is thta they are a reminder of what is to come. I have never lost a close family memeber. My mom's father died before I was born. My other grand-parents are still alive. One grandmother is 91. My dad's parents are 74 and 75. I now it's coming. And I know I won't do well when it does. When I do finally lose a close family member, I will most likely spend a month or so balled up in a corner.

I'm lookoing forward to Labor Day. Mostly because it's a Monday that I don't have to go to work! WooHoo! Have a great holiday!

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