Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sour Scott

I've been down lately. No real reason that I can think of. Just a general down feeling. I think I need a few days off. I sort of had a day off yesterday. Misty had work and Jacob had Strep Throat. I was glad to stay home with him. But I did tele-commute a for a good part of the day. I enjoyed the quasi-day-off. It sounds terrible, but I was happy to have a sick kid yesterday.

I did get to play guitar Sunday in church. We are getting ready to start a Contemporary Service soon. In preparation we are hiring a worship leader. Sunday was the second candidate's "audition". I'm not great, but I sure do love to play. If nothing else, it makes me feel involved in worship.

It's almost fall! The weather is turning cooler. Football season is less than 2 weeks away! I know I'm going to homecoming (AU v. Tulane) and I hope to go to another game or two. Probably not more than one other though; gas prices have become a bit prohibitive. Crap I tried to cheer myself up witht his paragraph, but it got depressing quick.

I'm done.

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