Monday, July 31, 2006


I shouldn't drink Diet Dr. Pepper (The Official Drink of Cool People) and eat oranges at 9 PM. I can't sleep. I've played poker, watched some of "While You Were Sleeping," and even dosed off for a second or two. Now I'm feeling a little too awake. Which sucks when you have to get up at 6 AM to go to work.

I found out earlier this week that my cholesterol, triglycerides, & glucose levels are, to quote the nurse, "perfect." I like that. LDL is 102; HDL is 45; Glucose is 92. I don't remember what my triglycerides were. For years I was able to fly through those medical histories you have to fill out when you see a Dr. for the first time. I could answer no to most anything about me or my family. Now I have to pause on the family section.

"History of heart problems?" Yes.

"History of cancer?" Yes.

"History of diabetes?" Yes.

That's the only reason the doctor wanted to test the stuff above: "Family History." I told my mom & dad I was mad at them. It was their fault I was getting stuck. At least there's no history of prostate cancer. I'm not a fan of "the finger."

"Take a deep breath and relax." Yeah right. I'm pretty sure that's what they tell deathrow inmates just before they throw the switch. I'll relax later when the glove is gone and I've had a chance to shower.

And with those pleasant thoughts I leave you and try to go to sleep. I now have less than 4 hours and 40 minutes to sleep.

[edit] P.S. Misty has a cardiologist appointment this week. Hopefully we'll get some answers.

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