Monday, June 26, 2006

Well, it's ot just one marathon trip this week, but a marathon week. Tomorrow I have a meeting in Huntsville. Wednesday I'm off to Gulf Shores (up at 3:30 on the road by 4 AM). Then, up to Atlanta for a meeting Thursday morning. By the time I get home around 8 PM Thursday I'll be worn out! I'm glad there is a holiday next week.

This Sunday will be my last time with "The Edge" leading a discussion on the "Seven Common Objections to the Christian Faith." This week's topic? "Is the Trinity Unbiblical, Irrelevant, and [something else]" or close to that anyway. It's been a very interesting 7 or so weeks. I've really enjoyed leading discussions with teenagers again. Doing it as a volunteer is just wonderful. We've had some interesting topics: pre-marital , other religions, New Age, homosexuality. Some great discussions, and some nights that seriously fizzled. It's still beeen fun. They are a great group. It's an interesting mixture of high school and college age. You know waht that means...NO JUNIOR HIGH!!! I kid. *sort of* Hopefully they'll let me stick around in some capacity when I'm done.

I'm really enjoying Edgemont. I feel like we have fit in pretty well. I'll be glad when my work schedule slacks a little so I can get more involved. That shouldn't take more than 15-20 years.

Speaking of Edgemont, they (I guess I can say we since I'm a member) are looking for a Worship Leader/Director of Student Ministries. They're hoping to find someone to do both in a full-time capacity, but I think they're considering hiring 2 people for 2 part-time spots. If you're interested (or know someone who might be interested) you can contact Eric Bagwell at

Have a great week!

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