Wednesday, April 19, 2006

We're off to New York early Friday morning! My mom is going also. She and I are going to see Sweeney Todd Saturday afternoon. It's going to be an exciting weekend! I'm sure we'll do all of the requisite touristy stuff. We were going to try to see teh Yankees Friday night, but it is apparently sold out. I'm ready to go now! Except that I feel like I'm getting sick. I hate the crud!

I don't think I mentioned that we officially joined Edgemont a couple of weeks ago. I feel like we fit in really well there. I'm leading a 7 week study with the youth, and I just finished participating in an Easter Play/Musical. We're starting a Contemporary Worship service in the Fall that I'll most likely be a part of in some way. We sort of jumped right in with all 8 feet!

Work is FREAKING hectic right now. I've suddenly found myself as the Project Manager of about 6 different projects totaling almost 500 units (apartments, condos, & houses). So I have very little down-time from 6:30 AM - 5:00 PM (and often after that as well). That's another reason NYC is going to be nice; I get to miss work Friday. I have to admit, though, I really like being this busy.

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