Monday, April 24, 2006


Man, I'm tired! We were up at 3:30 Friday to get to teh airport in time and up at 4:30 Sunday in order to get back. I missed a lot of sleep and haven't made it up yet.

Here's the NYC recap.

We had a great trip! Jacob decided Friday morning he didn't want to go anymore. He went. And he had a great time! We walked from Central Park South to Times Square ( via Fifth Ave) to go to Toys 'r' Us. Stopped in at Trump Tower, Rockerfeller Center, St. Patricks, etc. along the way. We went to The Empire State Building, but the wait was 60-90 minutes to buy tickets!!! We didn't stay. Jacob, Tanner, and I went to the Yankees game Friday night. Man, they have some good food at Yankee Stadium! The weather Friday was great! It was a little breezy at the game, though.

Saturday was not as nice weather-wise. It was cold and rainy pretty much all day. We still had a great time. We went to the World Trade Center site Saturday morning and spent a good while in Lower Manhattan seeing the sites. Went to Trinity Church, Battery Park City, etc. Ate at Pronto Pizza (it was good). Luckily the rain held off for most of this. But it was COLD!

My mom and I went to the matinee of Sweeney Todd. Wow! It was great. I love the music. The staging is a little bit Avante Garde and works to perfection. We sat 7th row on the aisle. The theater (Eugene O'Neil) is beautiful! It's very intimate; everything is close to the stage. The cast was amazing. All of the original revival cast is still in it. All except Mark Jacoby (Judge Turpin) performed. Michael Cerveris (Sweeney), Patti Lupone (Mrs. Lovett), and Manoel Felciano (Tobias) were stand-outs, but everyone was great! While we were gone, my dad took the boys to FAO Schwarz and went walking through the park.

That evening, my mom and I ate at Mickey Mantle's. (It was next door to our hotel.) Great atmosphere, great pasta. After that Tanner, Jacob, and I set off in the wind and rain to the Empire State Building. We hit the 86th floor, went outside and were pelted with 30 mph 45 degree rain. It was great! Visibility was limited, but I've seen it much worse. I think we got some good pictures. We went up to teh 102nd Floor Observation Deck. I'd never been up there. Then we rode the "NYC Sky Ride." Skip it. Trust me. I knew better, but the boys wanted to ride it. I'm just glad I didn't throw up. Then we dicided to walk to Times Square and take some pictures. It was a nice walk, though a bit cold & wet. We got some good pictures, it think. The highlight of this excursion might have been the Street Dancers we saw in the Subway at 34th St. Jacob loved them; I had to drag him away.

Then it was back to the room. We ordered pizza from room service and flipped back and forth between "The Godfather" and Ron White. While Tanner and Jacob practiced their Street Dancing.

All-in-all, it was a great trip! We did tons of stuff, but left even more undone. I was glad to get home, but I would go back today. I love New York City. I hope we can take the family back in a few years and stay longer. I'll try to get some pictures up later.

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