Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Junk Mail

I'm wearing a pair of my Ebay jeans today. They fit well and aren't gross. YEEHAW!

Not that much going on today, so I thought I'd post some of my favorite Junk Mail subject lines. These things are fun. I especially like the methods they use to get past filters...

Scott, if you're looking for a regular dating site, skip this email - I skipped it. I guess I'll go find a regular dating site now.
increase in sexual desire - Mine? yours? Way too vague. I'm not reading it.
picture investigators got of a young - A young what, you ask? according to the e-mail, i guess it was a young house.
bessie connotative molybdate - I have no idea what that means.
couch greenbelt beat - I wish my couch had a greenbelt, then it could keep the dog off itself.
Good day - Isn't that polite for Junk Mail.
AndStill LoveToGetNailed - Scariest part: the "from" line was "50YearsYong." *shudder*
it's time to talk about your student loans - OK, here goes: they were paid off 6-8 years ago. Conversation over.
I need someone forSex - I'm not sure I know what forSex is, but I know I'm not your man.
Salutation Scott Coats Apple $500 IsOnUs - Apparently this was sent from the 19th century. Truly amazing!
EnlargeYourMaleMember, Guyz - Can't comment, must click link...
Astonish your frieends and co--worrkers - I think you spilled liquid on your keyboard. It's sticking.

What I've learned from Junk Mail:
∙There's tons of free stuff out there if I'm just willing to take a simple survey!
∙18 year old females apparently love me.
∙I can get a job doing nothing that pays $250,000 a year anytime I want.
∙Everyone wants to finance my house.
∙I can enlarge or shrink almost any part of my body with a pill or cream.

That's enough for today. I've got to go see if I have an e-mail that will get rid of this headache.

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