Friday, September 16, 2005

10 down, 18 to go...183. We're headed to AU tomorrow. The whole family is going down. Last week Abby & I drove down went to the game and drove back on Saturday. We got into the stadium, got hot dogs, sat down, and Abby looked at me and said, "I'm hot. Can we go home?" She lasted until half-time, but we spent most of teh second quarter walking around the concourse.

This weekend we're driving down tomorrow and spending the night. Jacob is going to the game with me. He's excited! He's never really been a big football fan, but lately he's been playing NCAA Football on his GameCube (Christmas present to myself) and now he's really excited. He played UA last night and beat them 49-3. It should be a fun weekend. I'm looking forward to spending time in Auburn. The only bad part about the weekend, we have to hurry back Sunday morning. Jacob's school is having open house from 2-4 PM on a Sunday for some reason.

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