Monday, May 9, 2005


Well, it's been a while since I updated, and I still have noting signifigant to say. I guess life is just boring right now. We do have our computer back at home now. It's been a bit of a pain re-installing everything, but I kind of enjoy it. I read the novellization of Star Wars Episode 3. It's a great story. I hope the actors and Lucas can pull it off. This one should have lots of action. I already have my ticket for the midnite showing and two more (an adult & a child) for the next Saturday at 12:45! (I'm a geek. I know.)

I don't remember if I mentioned it or not, but Misty has applied for a job as the City Horticulturist in Florence. If she gets it our household income will more than double. That translates into: She'll be making more than me. And that's a good thing (© Martha).

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