Wednesday, March 9, 2005


Work is stressful. Home is stressful. Riding in the car is stressful. Hell, at this point, I think reading a book would be stressful.

I hate stress!

On the upside, this is the first real stress at work since I came back. 2 1/2 months, wow. I don't think I've gone that long without job stress in about 10 years.

I'm ready for everyone to get well. Misty woke up feeling terrible again today. Getting old sucks. It takes longer and longer to get over things.

Speaking of stress, we finally got a check from Misty's grandmother's estate yesterday. We've been waiting for it for a while. It should be a stress reliever, but now the bank wants to hold it for 10 days before it's available to us. I'll tell more of the "Granny's Estate" story later.

Now, it's time to go take Abby to school.

Enjoy your day. I'll be here stressing about something (i.e. everything).

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