Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Lamb it is...

Diet Dr. Pepper
I love the way you tickle
Crap now I need more

Ok, so I don't really have any funny stories to tell. (Only bad haikus.) I guess I probably do, but they are never as funny whne I write them as when I tell them. One year at SLA (I think it was 2000 or was it 2001?), I was a small group leader and started every session with a "Scott story." That was such a fun group. I can't remember every story I told, but here is a one sentence synopsis of some that may have been told:

1) The stupidest parnk call ever.
2) 18 month-old Scott fell out of a truck.
3) My wife (to be) turned me down for the Prom.
4) Driving in the "Blizzard" of '93.
5) Behold in the snow.
6) Burning stuff.

That's all I can think of. Someone else from that group may remember what stories I told... I don't.

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