Monday, March 28, 2005

I started the updating process and realized I don't really have all that much to say. The kids are out for Spring Break this week, but we're not really going to do anything. I may try to take them for an afternoon, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get away.

I'm going to B'ham Wednesday for a riveting seminar entitled "Project Documentation to Avoid (or Prepare for) Claims and Litigation." That should be fun. It starts at 8:30 which means I get to roll out of town around 6:00 AM. I'm excited.

Another reason I'm glad to be back in Florence: My cousin Rene can cut my hair! She's the only person who consistantly gives me good haircuts. Stupid curly hair. It's too easy to mess up.

We had a great Easter. I played guitar in the "Temporary" service (as my grandmother calls it). That was a blast. Abby was SOOOOO impressed that her dad was "a rock star." Apparently she has a new admiration for me. Then it was off to Mama Neenie's house to eat way too much, hide eggs, and watch the kids run around grabbing them. Then off to visit Granny and Pap. It was a full day. This was our first Easter at home in 5 years. It was nice. Very nice.

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