Thursday, February 24, 2005

The last few days have reminded me of spring, and I love it! Not because of the warm temperatures or any of the other stuff I love about spring (birds singing, flowers blooming, trees budding, etc.). It's the storms. We had a hail storm here Monday and it was amazing and cool and awe-inspiring

There is a morbid part of me somewhere that loves severe weather. If there is a wether event somewhere, I watch teh news about it. I love shows about tornadoes and floods and hurricanes. If there is severe weather, I turn on teh TV and my scanner and watch Dan Satterfield and listen to storm spotters. I love it! I sit and wait and (here's the morbid part) hope for a tornado. I know, it's twisted (no pun intended). I understand the loss and I grieve with those who are impacted, but I still love it and watch and wait and hope. I honestly have to say that if my house were swept up tomorrow (family not included) I'd still think in the back of my mind that it was pretty cool.

When I was about 7 or 8 a tornado tore through our back yard. It never actually touched down, but it was very close to teh ground. It destroyed a small shed in our yard. It also ripped up trees, damaged fences, tore shingles off roofs, etc. I slept through the whole thing. There is a tinge of disappointment every time I think about it now. I remember walking to school the next day and being amazed and intrigued by the damamge.

I love March. Severe weather month is the greatest. I may feel different someday, but for now I love it.

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