Sunday, January 9, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

31 wow, that sounds old. So when do I start to feel like I'm older than 16?

Today's been a good day. Jacob had to remind me it was my birthday this morning. We were both up early and sat together in the chair watching TV for an hour or so. It's sad that he won;t want to do that much longer.

It looks like we'll be going to St. James UMC. As long as my grandmother is alive (which after a little illness now seems like will be for another 20 years) we will be there. She told me yesterday how proud she was when we sat with her last week. I'm not going to break a 90 year-old heart. Church was good today. I liked the Sunday school class we attended today. It's small. That's good. I'm not sure I like Keith, but it's only been 2 weeks.

It's weird to seeing kids who were in first or second grade when we were there before that are now teenagers. They grow up fast. The oddest part is sitting in church and not having teenagers talking to and around me constantly. I guess I'll get used to it. I've promised Misty I would wait at least a year before I do any youth trips. I think I can handle that.

After church I came home and played with my Tivo. I got it for Christmas, but I just got it hooked up yesterday (had to get a phone line next to the TV). Tivo is great fun! It's fun to use when watching football.

After a good long nap Ashley and Jesse (my sister & brother-in-law) to bring me a birthday present. Best Buy gift card! It's the perfect size and color! Then Misty was off to the grocery store to get stuff for my birthday dinner!

While she was gone Abby hit me in the face with one of Jacob's toys. I made her mad and she threw it at me. I hope we're not raising a serial killer. She has problems with anger. My mom just laughs and says I was the same way as a kid.

My mom and dad came over to eat dinner with us. Jacob spent half the time telling my dad about his Dragonball Z game and the other half looking for somewhere to hide his birthday money. He's a funny kid.

All in all it's been a great day. Aside from getting hit in the cheek with a "Stick Recorder" I'd say it was perfect. I look forward to the 3rd Anniversary of my 29th Birthday!

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