Wednesday, December 8, 2004

So close...

Wow, I haven't done a real update in a long time. Well, let's see, since my last update Abby had a birthday (4), Misty had a birthday (31), my Mom had a birthday (I won't say), we slept in our new home over Thanksgiving, Auburn won the SEC Championship Game to go 12-0 on the season, Auburn was left out of the BCS Championship game, I broke our treadmill, our treadmill was fixed (extended service plans rock!), and we still have not sold our house!

I think that just about sums up the last few weeks of my life.

We are now exactly one week away from moving day! I am excited! I am sad! I am nervous! I am mad! I am ready! I can't believe it's here so soon. Mixed emotions is an understatement for how I feel right now.

We may sell our house soon. We had someone look for the second time today. But we have not heard anything form them since.

I probably should write more but I'm hitting a block. Look out Flo-town, here we come!

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